
Sex – It’s not the only type of cheating

If you’re married or in a long term relationship, it may have crossed your mind the concern that your partner is having an affair. You imagine them sleeping with another and it makes your blood boil. But sex isn’t the only way someone can cheat on their spouse or partner. If you suspect that your […]

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So you’re thinking of getting divorced…

It’s not a great feeling, the thought of getting a divorce. No-one goes in to a marriage thinking it will end, but sadly, things change, and sometimes your spouse changes, or your situation changes, and so the thought comes. Should I end it? If you’re thinking of getting a divorce from you wife or husband because […]

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What We Learned From The Ashley Madison Website Hack

The recent Ashley Madison hack has brought to light some very interesting facts and insights. As professional private detectives, we can team the facts from this exposed data with our industry knowledge to bring you a some cold hard truths about cheating, affairs, and the truth behind the Ashley Madison numbers.

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