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How To Hear If Your Wife Is Cheating — What She Says Matters!

Hey there, Steve here and welcome to this week’s private eye post where we’ll be taking a look at how you can spot if your wife is cheating by what she does (and doesn’t) say. Before we get started, I think it’s important to remind ourselves that everyone has differing opinions of what constitutes cheating. […]

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4 Ways To Spot Lies In A Cheating Partner

Nobody likes to think their partner is cheating on them. Whatever the reason for your gut instinct kicking in, learning how to spot lies in a cheating partner will enable you to get rid of your suspicions, or highlight the need for you to investigate more closely. Hey there, Steve here and welcome to this […]

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Spot Negative Body Language In Your Relationship

Hey there, Steve here and welcome to this week’s private eye post where I’m going to discuss one of the biggest triggers of gut instinct — negative body language in relationships. What is negative body language? Before we get into some of the specifics let’s talk about negativity in general. Body language is usually unconscious […]

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Weird Ways Women Act When Cheating

Hey there, Steve here, and welcome to this week’s private eye post, where we’re going to take a look at weird ways women act when cheating. People’s behaviour around cheating varies dramatically depending on the length and commitment status of a relationship. When a relationship is established, there are often some highly strange ways this […]

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Notable Body Language Differences Between Liars And Truthtellers

Hey there, Steve here, and welcome to this week’s private eye post, where I will highlight some notable differences in body language between liars and truthtellers. The body language cues below are used by both men and women alike. Also, it doesn’t matter whether they tell a small fib or a whopping lie. They’ll still […]

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Common Facial Expressions Shown By Cheating Partners When They’re Lying

Hey there, Steve here and welcome to this week’s private eye post where we’re going to take a look at some of the common facial expressions we see displayed by cheaters when they’re telling a lie to their partners. Lying to your spouse (or partner) differs from telling lies to someone else because you are […]

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4 Sickening Emotional Signs Your Wife Is Beginning A “Full-Blown Affair”

Hey there, Steve here and welcome to this week’s private eye post where we’ll be looking at some of the typical emotional signs we see when a wife is starting a “full-blown affair.” Now, you should remember that typically women begin to cheat with an emotional affair way before things turn physical. Depending on how […]

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4 Signs Your Partner Is Guilty Of Being An Emotional Cheat

Hey there, Steve here and welcome to this week’s private eye post where we’re going to look at the top four signs your partner is guilty of being an emotional cheat. This scenario we see unfolding all the time in our investigations. In fact, around 15-20% of our cheating spouse services discover the subject engaging […]

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Digitally Cheating or Online Flirting?

Hey there, Steve here and welcome to this week’s private eye post. One of the natural trends we’re experiencing at Elite Investigations, is the increase in technology involved in cheating. In today’s post I’m going to cover four  “tech involvement” signs you should look for, if you suspect your man of cheating. These are in […]

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Wives That Cheat — 5 Common Signs She’s Unfaithful

Hey there, Steve here and welcome to this week’s private eye post where I’ll be covering the common signs of cheating in married women. A common misconception (made especially by men,) is that women are far less likely to cheat compared with their husbands. As I mentioned in my last post, my experience as an […]

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