
I Have A Gut Feeling My Partner Is Cheating

Many of our new clients can’t put their finger on the exact reason for hiring one of our private investigators, they simply tell us “I have a gut feeling my partner is cheating.”

Intuition is a powerful ally.

And when you sense something is off in your relationship, there’s usually a good reason why.

Even when we carry out a cheating partner investigation and discover the subject isn’t cheating, there’s always a reason behind their changed behaviour.

Steve here, and in this week’s private eye post I’ll highlight some of the reasons your gut feeling might be kicking in so you can discover if your partner is up to no good, or hiding something from you.


Disclaimer: The content of this post is for general information only. For help with an individual situation, please contact us or use the live chat feature on this page.


#1 Changes In Intimacy Levels.

In every serious relationship, there’s a high level of intimacy between the two partners. You share thoughts and feelings with each other. Unconditional love exists between you.

When a partner cheats, there’s a natural tendency to close off some part of that intimacy. It’s because they’re feeling guilty and are having to hide part of their lives.

If you’re the person being cheated on, it will feel like your relationship is somehow weaker. That you aren’t as close as you used to be.

So, your intuition tells you that the love between you feels less than before. You start to look for the reason for the change.

Cheating is an obvious candidate. But there can be other reasons for this type of distance in a relationship.

If you can’t see any of the things in the points below, but still have a gut feeling they’re cheating, you’ll need to hire a private investigator to get proof.


#2 Behaviour Changes In Cheating Partners

No cheat ever wants to get caught. So, they try to cover their tracks with careful attention to the details. But in my experience, there are always changes in their behaviour.

They may feel excited about the other person finding them attractive. As a result, they’ll have a spring in their step, and take more care than usual about their appearance.

One of the biggest clues is when you see them doing something new.

For example, they use a phrase you’ve never heard before. Or they listen to a new style of music they previously showed no interest in. Perhaps they start eating new foods or drink different beverages.

These seemingly small things can add up to a larger overall change the cheat is not even aware of. While each individual change is small and possibly insignificant, the fact there are so many will be a strong indicator to you, that something is wrong.

Is this why your gut instinct is sending you warning alarms? If it is, and you’ve been asking yourself things like, “Is he cheating, or am I paranoid?”, then it’s more likely to be cheating.

Call and speak with one of our investigators.


#3 Different Times

As much as we all like to think we’re special and unique, we humans are creatures of habit and routine. We generally go about our daily lives in much the same way as we’ve always done.

So, if your partner is doing new things — starting a gym routine, going out for drinks with work colleagues — on a regular basis, then there’s a reason why they’re spending their time differently than before.

And you’re probably not going to like it. Don’t be in denial — your intuition is right to be tapping you on the shoulder and telling you something isn’t right.


#4 Lots Of Adding Up

All cheats have to lie about little things because they can’t tell you where they’ve really been, what they’ve really been up to, and how they really feel about something.

So, go ahead right now and total up the small things in your relationship.

Have they lied about something small and seemingly unimportant? Have they changed some behaviours? Do you feel like there’s less intimacy between you?

If so, there will definitely be something going on in their lives which they’re hiding from you.


What to do next?

Sometimes there can be other reasons your intuition is making you think “I have a gut feeling my partner is cheating.”

They may be trying to protect you from something. They may have made a mistake they’re ashamed to tell you about.

The best way to proceed is to hire one of our professional private investigators to find out the truth.


Follow us on Facebook for more on Cheating Partners and how to get help if you think you need to.


Until next week,
