
Advice To Husbands — What To Do If You Think Your Wife Is Cheating

Hey there, Steve here and welcome to this week’s private eye post where we’ll take a look at what to do if you think your wife is cheating on you.

You’d have thought that the coronavirus lockdown would have dampened the affairs of cheaters but this isn’t true. Instead, cheaters are still finding time for their flings when the opportunity arises.

While you may have a feeling something is going on, you probably want to confirm your suspicions before hiring our investigators to get the proof you need?

Here’s how to go about it…

Disclaimer: This information is for general educational purposes only and may not apply to all situations — everyone is unique after all. For help with an individual situation, please contact us —the first call is free, and we may just be able to put your mind at rest!


#1 Recognising The Opportunity

The first step is to ascertain when your wife has the opportunity to carry on her affair. Nothing should be off-limits here. Work out when you’re not together and who she could be cheating with.

Telling Times – Using The Clock To Detect A Cheating Partner


#2 Working Or Not?

If your wife is working and she’s cheating with a co-worker, then there are plenty of chances for her to cheat on you.

Take a look at this post and see if you can spot the signs she’s doing more than her job when she leaves the house.

Is My Wife Having An Affair With Someone At Work

Does she possess the “most-likely-to-cheat” characteristics outlined in this article? (Note the top “cheating professions” in point #3 — medical and education are the top two for women!)


#3 Is She On The Cusp Of Going Walkabout?

During this time of lockdown, many relationships are put under immense pressure. If you’re finding cracks in your marriage relationship and your gut instinct is telling you something is wrong, it may be that she’s about to start something.


#4 Look For The Signs

Different people display different signs of cheating. These can be verbal or body language clues or might be physical or other more subtle signs.

These are the most common signs of cheating to look for…



If your wife is displaying some of these signs of cheating, the last thing you should do is confront her without concrete proof. You will need to hire an investigator to get the proof that you need. There are a number of advantages to doing so. It will allow you to discover the truth without her presence. And this means you can overcome the initial emotional distress and make sensible decisions on how to move forward. We have legal and financial partners who can advise you on how best to proceed. This is especially important if you have children and want to avoid a costly custody battle. Get in touch with us and let us guide you through the process.

Follow us on Facebook for more information on signs of a cheating wife, and how to get help if you think you need to.

Until next week,
